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Whatever the Season


"Whatever the season may be, the farmer has still his land to till. In summer and in winter his work may vary, but his object is the same. It is the same with the servants of our Lord Jesus. ….. "How do you, at this time, look at your life's mission? What is that mission? What are you at? I think I hear you answer, "Our chief end is to glorify, God." We do not regard it as our first business to convert sinners, nor to edify saints; but to glorify God. If we have preached God's truth, and on any one occasion no souls have been saved thereby, we are still "unto God a sweet savour of Christ," as well in those that perish as in those that are saved. The preaching of Jesus Christ is the burning of sweet odours before the throne of God, and to the Lord it is evermore an acceptable oblation. The sacrifice of Jesus is that which makes the world bearable to a holy God, and the preaching of that sacrifice is a savour of rest unto Him. "This is a kind of lactometer by which we can test the quality of any doctrine,—"Does it glorify God?" If it does not glorify God, it is not genuine gospel, and it will not benefit us or our hearers. "It is for us to keep our one object, come what may."

C.H. Spurgeon An All-Round Ministry, pp 233-234

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