In his first speech to his subjects, King Charles III has promised "life-long service" to the nation. I want to believe that he will indeed give it. But I am old enough to remember when he promised life-long devotion to Diana Spencer and how basely he reneged on that promise.
Perhaps most people today feel that breaking a marriage vow is a matter of small importance; but I always have and always will disagree.
The pledge Charles has made to the United Kingdom is good, but what reason would anyone have for believing it? He broke his most solemn promise. He is not to be trusted to keep this new "life-long" promise.
Many years ago, I heard a voter in the States say, "I am going to vote for ________. I know that he is not a moral man, but I like his economic policy." I responded, "So you would have voted for Hitler." He was shocked and insisted that it was not so. But it is so. Putting economics ahead of morality is what put Hitler in office. As we continue to support those who we know to be immoral, we are destroying this world.
A long time ago a Galilean carpenter pointed out that, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much." It is still true.
If Charles were to show up on my doorstep, I would treat him with courtesy, but nothing more. I do not trust him. Frankly, I think he would be doing the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth a favour if he would step aside. But then, who would take his place? Were any of his sons taught to do better? I fear not. Were we taught better? Have we taught our sons and daughters any better?
Winking at unfaithfulness in anything leads to unfaithfulness in everything. That is the root cause of the international mess we are in.
None the less, let us pray for our rulers. We may not trust them. But let us pray for them all the more.