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Forced Assimilation

Updated: May 13, 2022

Today, 11 May 2022, the Biden administration’s Department of the Interior apologized for the fact that millions of Native American children were forced to assimilate to the dominant culture, contrary to their parents’ wishes.

Was it not just last week, while reacting to the passage of a parent’s rights bill in Florida, that Mr. Biden said that parents had no right to choose what their children would be taught in school?

So, let’s be sure we all get this straight. If you are a Native American, it is a terrible thing for the government to force your children to assimilate. But otherwise, Big Brother is boss, and you peons better not forget it.

J ust in case anyone is in doubt where I stand on this - that apology to Native Americans is long overdue. So is the institutionalization of Joseph Biden. The man is clearly insane. The trouble is he lives in a city with so many lunatics that he appears almost normal.

Worldly people will, of course, continue to hand their children over to Big Brother to be brainwashed. But Christians (the few that are left), know that the responsibility for choosing what children will be taught falls on parents, especially on fathers (Gen 18:19; 6:4).

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